Heirloom or Heritage Fruit

Heritage fruit or heirloom fruit such as old-fashioned varieties of apple, quince, fig, plum, peach and pear are increasingly popular due to their diverse flavours, excellent nutritional qualities and other desirable characteristics.

They are part of our horticultural, vintage and culinary inheritance. To pick a tree-ripened heritage fruit from your own back yard and bite into it is to experience the taste of fresh food as our forefathers knew it.

During the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries fruit diversity was huge, but in modern supermarkets only a limited range of commercial fruit varieties is now available to consumers.

Heritage, heirloom and rare fruit enthusiasts across the world are currently reviving our horticultural legacy by renovating old orchards and identifying ‘lost’, unusual and historic fruit varieties.

The goal is to make a much wider range of fruit trees available again to the home gardener.
This series of handbooks aims to help.

Rare and Heritage Fruit - Cider Apples
Rare & Heritage
Cider Apples

ISBN 9781925110524

Rare & Heritage Fruit Cultivars #3

Cider apples are cultivars selected for characteristics that make high quality cider. Early settlers sailed to new lands bringing these special fruits, thus distributing them across the globe. Some of these unique, historic cultivars have survived through the years and been rediscovered by enthusiastic brewers. We list some of them here, along with what is known of their history, description, flavour characteristics and a few sources for trees.

Rare and Heritage Fruit - Figs
Rare & Heritage

ISBN 9781925110128

Rare & Heritage Fruit Cultivars #13

The taste of a tree-ripened, freshly-picked fig, is sublime. The fruit of the fig tree has been sought out and cultivated by man since ancient times, and is now widely grown throughout the temperate world, both for its fruit and as an ornamental plant. Hundreds of named fig cultivars now exist, but only a handful are commercially grown. Find out more about the amazing heirloom varieties within these pages.

Rare and Heritage Fruit - Peaches
Rare & Heritage

ISBN 9781925110487

Rare & Heritage Fruit Cultivars #8

This handbook lists and describes around 230 heritage peach cultivars, to help you choose those you would prefer to grow. It gives fascinating insights into the world of peaches, and some surprising facts about this delicious queen of fruits

Rare and Heritage Fruit - Red-fleshed Peaches
Rare & Heritage
Red-Fleshed Peaches

ISBN 978-1925110791

Rare & Heritage Fruit Cultivars #29

Red-fleshed peaches are far rarer than the white-fleshed or yellow-fleshed types. In some countries they are almost impossible to find. How they spread from China to other parts of the world is an interesting story, partially shrouded in mystery. Their colour sets these fruits apart – the deep ruby shade of their flesh make them spectacular additions to recipes. Their flavour, too, is unique.
Moreover, red-fleshed peaches have numerous health benefits. Rich in antioxidant anthocyanins and flavonoids, they possess qualities that both heal and protect the human body.

Rare and Heritage Fruit - Perry Pears
Rare & Heritage
Perry Pears

ISBN 978-1925110470

Rare & Heritage Fruit Cultivars #6

Perry pears are cultivars selected for characteristics that make high quality perry. Some of these unique, historic cultivars have survived through the years and been rediscovered by enthusiastic brewers. We list some of them here, along with what is known of their history, description, flavour characteristics and a few sources for trees.

Propagating Fruit Plants
Propagating Fruit Plants
(Other than Grafting & Budding)

ISBN 9781925110517

Rare & Heritage Fruit Growing #1

Anyone can easily multiply their own rare and heritage fruit trees and shrubs for selling, sharing or growing their own mini-orchard. This handbook shows you how.
Covering such topics as propagation by seeds, suckers, layers, cuttings, eye-cuttings, root-cuttings and division, this book utilises the vast knowledge of 19th century writer David Alexander Crichton.

Pests and Diseases of Fruit Trees and Shrubs
Pests & Diseases
of Fruit Trees & Shrubs

ISBN 9781925110609

Rare & Heritage Fruit Growing #8

Growing fruit in your own backyard or home orchard is a real pleasure. You can have access to in-season fruit picked fresh from the tree or shrub, with zero transport miles, rare and unusual varieties with a greater nutritional variety, and delicious fruit flavors all year round. Your health will benefit if you get out into the fresh air and sunshine of the garden. Pests and diseases will inevitably appear at some point in the gardening year, but they need not spoil the enjoyment of growing your own food. There are many useful and chemical-free ways of managing them – including encouraging birds and ladybugs to come and eat the insect pests!